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The team

Who are the HOUSE team members?

An interdisciplinary research team

For the HOUSE project, 3 research groups from 3 different knowledge institutes have joined forces. We see this interdisciplinary approach as an important added value for the project. This way, we can not only combine our knowledge and expertise, but also approach the research topic from different angles. Get to know the 3 research groups of the HOUSE project. All team members can also be found below on this page.

ArcK is the research group of the Faculty of Architecture and Art, Hasselt University.

The HOUSE project is situated within the research line `Designing for More` of ArcK, which focuses on gathering knowledge and expertise on how spatial environments are experienced by their users: how do these environments affect people on a perceptual, cognitive and emotional level, and how do different groups of people interact with these environments?

This way, we want to gain more insight into how we can support designers in creating a built environment that leads to more inclusion, experience and (subjective) wellbeing.

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An-Sofie Smetcoren and Liesbeth De Donder are affiliated with the Agogical Sciences program and (in addition) with the Society and Aging Research Lab. This group responds to emerging, critical challenges in research, policy and practice concerning older people. The current research can be framed within social gerontology with a focus on three research themes: `social relations and civic engagement`, `care and caring communities`, and `housing and living environment` within which the HOUSE project is situated. Their research also pays attention to people in vulnerable and disadvantaged situations, the importance of a life course approach and the implementation of participatory research frameworks.

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The PXL Smart ICT expertise centre examines and develops all sorts of smart applications of emerging technologies, and combines practice-oriented research and services at the cutting edge of IT and electronics.

PXL Smart ICT focuses on mobile technology in the broadest sense of the word, and looks for smart solutions for objects and communities: from smart sensors, watches, phones and tablets to smart buildings and smart cities. The applicability and deployability of developed applications in practice is always paramount.

As an interdisciplinary expertise centre, PXL Smart ICT also supports and advises organisations from the logistics, healthcare and education sectors in their search for smart applications.

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Members of the research team

Prof. dr. Ann Petermans

Project coordinator

Prof. dr. An-Sofie Smetcoren

Scientific coordinator

Prof. dr. Liesbeth De Donder


Prof. dr. Jan Vanrie


Wim Maet


dr. Elke Ielegems

Valorisation coordinator

Lennert Lambrighs

ICT Team

Gert Pellens

ICT Team

Sofie Van Regenmortel

Research support

dr. Lieve Weytjens

Business Developer

Sander Lambrix

Researcher - PhD candidate

Ariane Vanbellinghen

Researcher - PhD candidate

Eva Severens

Researcher - PhD candidate

Charlotte Van Campfort


Kristine Deroover

Post Doc Researcher

Co-creation and multi-stakeholder system

Complex research questions require an integral approach in which not only different research domains cooperate, but in which different social partners are also actively involved. We also refer to this as a multi-stakeholder system, aiming for a co-creative research approach.

Not just for older people, but together with older people.

What does this mean for HOUSE in concrete terms? All participants can influence the research process and its results. Older people are central to this research project. They are therefore not only passively questioned or informed about the HOUSE project, they actively contribute to the project. To realise this, we have set up a House Older People Panel (i.e. the HOP team). This is a team of 4-6 committed older people who support the researchers and provide feedback. For example, they can be engaged to provide advice on substantive texts, to screen survey questions for older people, to discuss analyses of interviews together, or to test a workshop format.

Workshop on personas with the advisory committee

In addition to involving older people as co-creation partners, various other social partners are also engaged in key roles in the HOUSE project. These are organisations from different sectors, including the care sector, the building sector, the design world, and policy-making. Get to know the 31 actors in the advisory committee:

The advisory committee

Meet the participants

Our HOUSE partners