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What has been published?

On this page, we share our publications. These are in part academic publications, but also include other articles, reports and the HOUSE newsletters. The HOUSE project started on December 2021, so keep an eye on this page for an update.

Valorising publications

SMETCOREN, An-Sofie; IELEGEMS, Elke & PETERMANS, Ann (2024) Oost, West, thuis best… of toch niet? Vroeger nadenken over later – inzichten vanuit woonverhalen van ouderen. In: Vranken, Jan; Verté, Dominique; De Decker, Pascal (Ed.). Recht op Grijs. Bouwen aan ouderenbeleid, Gompel & Svacina. 05/2024
Ielegems, E., Smetcoren A., Petermans A. (2023). HOUSE research: meer innovatie nodig in wonen, met aandacht voor welbevinden en diversiteit onder ouderen. Viewz, 2023/2, 20-23 02/2023

Scientific publications

Lambrix, S., Petermans, A., Smetcoren, A.-S. and Vanrie, J. (2024) Towards a residential socio-physical framework: positioning subjective experiences in physical environments. Architecture_MPS 28, 1: 5. DOI 08/2024

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